IOWA CITY — After a successful flower sale last year, the Johnson County Master Gardeners will offer another Flower Fundraiser from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14, at the Johnson County Fairgrounds.
The group will offer cut flowers for sale to the public in a drive-through format at the fairgrounds, 3109 Old Hwy 218 S., Iowa City. Customers do not need to leave their vehicles.
Suggested cost for a single bouquet of zinnia and sunflower varieties is $5, or $9 for two. Specialty bouquets will not be available this year. Cash and checks will be accepted; credit card purchase is not available.
Read more from the Johnson County Master Gardeners:
Project coordinators Chris Sedrel, Ann Ruppenkamp and Sharon Jeter are joined by a host of Master Gardener volunteers to plant and maintain the garden throughout the growing season.
The garden provides gardeners inspiration and informational exhibits about growing produce. It was on display during the Johnson County 4-H & FFA Fair. Produce grown in the garden is donated to the CommUnity food pantry and Table to Table.
Proceeds from the flower fundraiser support the demonstration garden, JCMG programs and operations, 4-H Awards and Kirkwood Community College Horticulture Scholarships.
The local Master Gardening group has enjoyed a long-term association with the Johnson County Agricultural Association (JCAA). The demonstration garden was organized in 1993. In 2017, the demonstration garden was moved. In 2022, the garden celebrated its 6th year in the present location.
In 2022, Johnson County Master Gardeners are celebrating its 40th year of service to the area. The local program was organized in 1982. The educational volunteer program, sponsored by Iowa State University Johnson County Extension and Outreach, uses research-based horticulture and gardening knowledge and practices to educate people and coordinate projects that promote healthy communities.
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