“Raspberry Wine’ bee balm, at center, is surrounded by ‘Blushed Peach,’ a yellow Asiatic lily and the orange ‘Pearl Justien’ lily, in a garden bed at the home of Wanda Lunn, one of the gardens on the upcoming Linn County Master Gardeners 2018 Garden Walk. (photo/Cindy Hadish)
The Linn County Master Gardeners annual Garden Walk, set for Saturday, July 7, 2018, will feature something new.
A “garden crawl” will allow visitors to have a card stamped at each garden on the tour for a chance to win a beautiful garden bench.
Admission for the garden tour, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, is just $5 per person.
This year’s theme is “Seeds of Kindness,” with a special bit of kindness at each site.
The Garden Crawl Bench location and compost bags with be at the Usher Garden. Pollinator “Seeds of Kindness” packets will be at the Havlik Garden. Musicians will be at the Schultze Garden. Dandelion cookies will be at the Friedman Garden, and lily greeting cards will be at the Lunn Garden.
Related: New and old grow in harmony at Lunn Garden
As in years past, master gardeners and other gardening experts will be on hand to answer questions, and gardens will showcase a wide variety of perennials, annuals, container arrangements, raised beds, ornamental grasses, garden art and more.
Following are the sites on the 2018 Garden Walk:
Friedman Garden, 401 Wolfe Lane, Mount Vernon
Havlik Garden, 1850 Hudson St. SW, Cedar Rapids
Lunn Garden, 526 Bezdek Dr. NW, Cedar Rapids
Schultze Garden, 2501 Paulyn Court NW, Cedar Rapids
Usher Garden, 188 17th Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids
Learn about last year’s events at the 2017 garden walks in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids.
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