Surprise lilies bloom with purple coneflower in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (photo/Cindy Hadish)

That time of year is arriving a bit early this summer.

Magic lilies, also known as surprise lilies or naked ladies, tend to bloom in synchronicity in Iowa.

If you see them popping up in one part of town, you’ll generally see them in another.

Abundant rain in Iowa may have led to an earlier appearance in 2024 than usual, with the elegant pink flowers opening by July 26, compared to Aug. 6 in 2023.

Last year’s drought might have played a role, with gardeners who watered their plants seeing the typical appearance at the end of July, while those who let nature take its course saw them later in August.

The easy-to-grow perennial sports daffodil-like foliage early in the season, which disappears with the summer’s heat. By late July or early August, pink flowers tinged in blue simultaneously pop up on bare stalks, seemingly out of nowhere.

Another name for the flower formally known as Lycoris squamigera — in  the amaryllis family — is resurrection lily.

While magic lilies are drought-tolerant — and overwatering can rot the bulbs — they benefit from enough water for better blossoms, and grow in partial shade or full sun.

Learn about another summertime emergence: Cicadas make a brood awakening