A yellow swallowtail alights on a zinnia in the formal garden during the 2015 Brucemore Garden & Art Show. (photo/Cindy Hadish)

Attracting pollinators to your garden will be among the presentations in Eastern Iowa during the 2016 Spring Library Master Gardeners series. (photo/Cindy Hadish)

Linn County Master Gardeners will be spreading the word about a multitude of gardening topics in their upcoming 2016 library series. From Blairstown to North Liberty, Central City to Cedar Rapids and beyond, the experts will provide information on container gardening, organic vegetables, rain barrels and more.

If you’d prefer to fit it all in one day, there is still time to sign up for the Winter Gardening Fair. The master gardeners are also hosting a presentation by the founder of Monarch Watch on Jan. 20 and see the list below for the full slate of free library classes from the Linn County Master Gardeners:

2016 Spring Library Master Gardener Classes

February – Wednesday Ladd Library 6:30-7:30
Ladd Public Library
3750 Williams Blvd SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

February 3  Companion Planting in Any Location – Debbie Main, LCMG – Ever wonder how you can get higher production and natural pest control in your vegetable and flower gardens? Debbie will provide tips on which plants work happiest together and how to grow your plants as organically as possible.

February 10 Gardening Safety –      LCMG Kate Kendall          Do you like to avoid aches, pains, and injuries? Join LCMG and retired safety manager Kate Kendall to learn more about reducing risks in everyday gardening activities. How tools and practices influence body mechanics. Decode ANSI Z87, NRR, and N95 markings on eye and hearing protectors, or a face mask to understand what protection the device offers.

February 17 New Perennials – LCMG Deb Walser
Garden catalogs are full of amazing perennials. How do we select the right perennials for our garden? Which Perennials are the best for Iowa gardens?  Even if you have been growing Perennials for years, Deb Walser will show some of the newest and coolest perennials available in Nurseries near you. Deb will also talk about her favorite plants that grow in her gardens.

February 24 Heavenly Hydrangeas – LCMG Wil Carew
Hydrangeas bloom in a variety of colors including white, blue, pink, green and red too.  Join Wil as he discusses the how-to’s of planting and pruning. He also shares those varieties which are his personal ‘celestial’ favorites and are locally available.

February – Thursday Central City Library 6:30 – 7:30
J. C. Clegg Public Library
137 N 4th St
Central City, IA 52214

February 4 Organic Vegetable Gardening at Home – LCMG Phil Pfister,
What’s better than home-grown vegetables? Raising home-grown vegetables using proven organic techniques is.  Phil will provide you information to help you maximize the production of your garden, without spending a lot of time or using harmful chemicals.

February 11 Why build a Rain Barrel? Why not build a Rain Barrel? – LCMG Deb Walser
As gardeners we use a lot of water to make our baskets, containers and garden plants happy. Learn how we can save the rainwater collected off our roofs and save money too. Deb will show single barrels to multiple barrels that she uses in all of her gardens.

February 18 Growing & Arranging Your Own Bouquets – LCMG Judy Stevens
Join Master Gardener Judy Stevens to learn about selecting plants to grow for flower arrangements. She’ll also give great tips for arranging spectacular cut flower bouquets.

February 25 Your Backyard is For the Birds – LCMG Devon Dietz
The presentation will concentrate on the needs of birds and what will attract them to your yard.  The focus will be on the most popular birds for Iowans.  The year round enjoyment of birds is the objective.

March – Monday North Liberty Library 6:30 – 7:30
North Liberty Community Library
520 W Cherry St
North Liberty, IA 52317

March 7 Cover crops – LCMG Phil Pfister
Cover crops provide many benefits to the soil, and serve as an important tool for sustainable vegetable production.  In this discussion, Linn County Master Gardener Phil Pfister will look at the benefits cover crops provide, various plants used for cover crops, and how they can be a valuable tool for the home gardener.

March 14 Raised Bed Gardening – LCMG Deb Walser
No space for a garden?  You can plant enough vegetables in a 4’ X 4’ garden to feed two people for the season or a family of four, using only 4’ X 8’ in space. Hate the weeding and bug control? Having trouble getting up from the ground? Raised bed gardening is for you. Pass on the fun of gardening to your children and grandchildren. Deb Walser has been gardening in raised beds for twenty years. Come see her gardens and learn

March 21 Creating Miniature Gardens – Sylvia Kelly LCMG
Do you believe in fairies and other tiny creatures. Learn to create magical places with miniature plants, tiny furniture and accessories. Learn lots of tips and ideas to inspire you to create your own tiny garden indoors or out.  A great way to interest children in gardening.

March 28 Pleasing the Bees and Butterflies: Planting for Pollinators –  Beula Dvorak LCMG
Our lives on Planet Earth are intertwined with those of many creatures, including pollinators like bees and butterflies. But pollinators and their habitats are disappearing. Learn about the bees and butterflies and other pollinators, what’s happening to them, what’s being done to save them, and how you can help by planting beautiful plants in your garden

March – Wednesday Marion Library 6:30 – 7:30
Marion Public Library
1095 6th Ave
Marion, IA 52302

March 2 Flowers with Different Names and Shapes – LCMG Judy Stevens
Join Master Gardener Judy Stevens to learn about flowers with interesting names and shapes!

March 9 Starting Garden Transplants At Home -LCMG Zora Ronan
This class will give you all the information you need to successfully start garden transplants at home with a minimum amount of equipment. Zora Ronan, Linn County master gardener, takes you through the process, step by step.

March 16 Thinking about a Home Greenhouse? – LCMG Phil Pfister
– Listen and learn as Phil demystifies the process of setting up and operating a home greenhouse. Topics include site selection, greenhouse material options, heating and cooling requirements, cost calculations, plant care and integrated pest management.

March 23 Everything Coleus – LCMG Lori Bailey
Coleus is not just your grandmother’s plant anymore. Come hear Lori Bailey share why coleus has become the hot plant for landscapers and gardens everywhere. She will share ideas about design, containers, cultivars, propagation, care and why every garden shouldn’t be without coleus.

March 30 Why build a Rain Barrel? Why not build a Rain Barrel? – LCMG Deb Walser
As gardeners we use a lot of water to make our baskets, containers and garden plants happy. Learn how we can save the rainwater collected off our roofs and save money too. Deb will show single barrels to multiple barrels that she uses in all of her gardens.

March – Tuesday, Coggon Library 6:30 – 7:30
Coggon Public Library
216 E Main St
Coggon, IA 52218

March 1 – Why build a Rain Barrel? Why not build a Rain Barrel? – LCMG Deb Walser
As gardeners we use a lot of water to make our baskets, containers and garden plants happy. Learn how we can save the rainwater collected off our roofs and save money too. Deb will show single barrels to multiple barrels that she uses in all of her gardens.

March 8 – Edible Fruiting Shrubs for Your Urban Garden   – LCMG Brenda Garbe
Join Master Gardener Brenda Garbe will teach you about a wide variety of edible fruiting shrubs that are perfect for your urban garden!

March 15 – Your Backyard is For the Birds – LCMG Devon Dietz
The presentation will concentrate on the needs of birds and what will attract them to your yard.  The focus will be on the most popular birds for Iowans.  The year round enjoyment of birds is the objective.

March 22 – Gardening with Color- LCMG Mike Anderson
Learn how the use of color can enhance and add pizazz to your overall landscape design.  Mike will cover some basic color theory and describe the principles of using color in creating an inviting and interesting garden design

March 29 – Storm Water Management for Homeowners – LCMG Karla McGrail
Storm water management, flood control, soil erosion and water quality are issues that have become important topics of conversation and planning in our region in recent years. Homeowner can do their part to help mitigate these problems by a simple, beautiful, but well-designed rain garden on their property. This discussion will cover the basics of rain garden design: the why, what, how and where, plant suggestions, and sources for further information.

April – Monday Blairstown Library 6:30-7:30
Blairstown Public Library
305 Locust St NE
Blairstown, IA 52209

April 18 Veggies in Containers – LCMG Judy Stevens
Don’t have the space or the necessary sunlight for growing vegetables? Try growing them in containers that can be moved around to catch the sun and do not take up a lot of space. Tomatoes, peppers and herbs can all be grown outside your kitchen door. Bring your ideas for container gardening to share.

April 25 Container Gardens – LCMG Deb Walser
Container gardens do not have to be three geranium, asparagus fern and vinca vines.  Come see what can be done with your containers. Deb Walser’s own containers will be featured along with planting instructions. You will never have a plain container garden again

Creative garden photography is another of the classes that will be presented by Linn County Master Gardeners in 2016. (photo/Cindy Hadish)

Creative garden photography is also among the classes that will be presented by Linn County Master Gardeners in 2016. (photo/Cindy Hadish)

April – Tuesday Ely Library 6:30 – 7:30
Ely Public Library
1595 Dows St
Ely, IA 52227

April 5 Verticals, Vines, and Variants – Debbie Main, LCMG
Great ideas on how to pack more plants into your home landscape! Debbie will cover flowers and food crops which can be grown vertically, how to train them, where to locate them within your landscape, growing tips, and some unusual ideas on what to use to keep them vertical.

April 12 Everything Creative in Garden Photography – LCMG Lori Bailey
Your garden is the perfect place to fine tune your photography skills, from lighting, composition and getting face to face with your flowers using your macro setting. Lori will share basic garden photography tips plus adding the creativity to put the “WOW” factor in all of your photos.

April 19 Dazzling Dahlias – LCMG Beula Dvorak
I fell in love with dahlias on a recent trip to Nova Scotia….. Now, come join Master Gardener Beula Dvorak share some of her favorites and gain some tips on growing them and put more dazzle in your gardens.

April 26 Container Gardens  -LCMG Deb Walser
Container gardens do not have to be three geranium, asparagus fern and vinca vines.  Come see what can be done with your containers. Deb Walser’s own containers will be featured along with planting instructions. You will never have a plain container garden again.

April – Wednesday Hiawatha Library 6:30-7:30
Hiawatha Library
150 W Willman St
Hiawatha, IA 52233

April 6 Creating Miniature Gardens – LCMG Sylvia Kelly
Do you believe in fairies and other tiny creatures. Learn to create magical places with miniature plants, tiny furniture and accessories. Learn lots of tips and ideas to inspire you to create your own tiny garden indoors or out.  A great way to interest children in gardening.

April 13 Quilt Gardens – LCMG Beula Dvorak
Do you love quilts? Do you love flowers. Join LCMG Beula Dvorak on a visual tour of the quilt gardens of Northern Indiana, along the Heritage Trail between Elkhart and Shipshewana. Get tips for developing your own quilt garden.

April 20  Let Your Light Shine – LCMG Matt Pieper
Master Gardener Matt Pieper will help you better understand the ins and outs of landscape lighting.

April 27  A Few of My Favorite Things – LCMG Wil Carew
Join Master Gardener Wil Carew as he talks about raindrops on roses and fungus on leaves.  Bright copper ninebark and cottonburr compost.  He’ll touch on coralbells, tied up tomatoes on netting, flowering weigelas and hydrangeas, fruit, vegetables, tools, trees and gardening in general.   These are just a few of his favorite things.