Master Gardeners sell plants from the Lowe Park Greenhouse during the 2018 Winter Gardening Fair at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Registration has opened for the 2019 fair. (photo/Cindy Hadish)
CEDAR RAPIDS – Registration has opened for the 14th Annual Winter Gardening Fair, to be held Saturday, February 16, 2019, at Kirkwood Community College.
Tuition is $59 for the all-day event, which features more than 40 workshops by Iowa Master Gardeners and other gardening experts.
See photos from the 2018 Winter Gardening Fair
Learn more about this year’s event from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach:
Workshop topics at the 2019 Winter Gardening Fair range from hostas, daylilies and hydrangeas, how to attract butterflies or birds, and how to grow better tomatoes. Hands-on classes include how to make a kinetic garden ornament, miniponics, and how to make a teacup fairy garden.
For complete class descriptions and registration, go to www.extension.iastate.edu/linn/content/winter-gardening-fair.
There will be numerous gardening vendors and non-profit organizations to visit before, during and after the classes, as well.
Registration includes your choice of five classes, and a hot “Iowa comfort food” lunch buffet. Kirkwood Community College is located at 6301 Kirkwood Boulevard SW, Cedar Rapids. Registration fills up quickly. Final deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 13.
The Iowa State Extension and Outreach carries Iowa State’s land-grant mission throughout all 99 counties of Iowa. They provide education and partnerships designed to solve today’s problems and prepare for the future by feeding people, keeping them healthy, helping their communities to prosper and thrive, and turning the world over to the next generation better than we found it. Master Gardeners are passionate about serving their communities and sharing gardening best practices. It is the acquisition of knowledge, the skill in gardening, and giving back to the community that distinguishes a Master Gardener from other gardeners.
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