Opponents of the Keystone XL and Bakken pipelines hold signs in January on the Third Avenue Bridge in downtown Cedar Rapids. (photo/Cindy Hadish)
From our friends at the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition:
The Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition will host an informational meeting & conversation at the Cedar Rapids Public Library about the proposed Bakken oil pipeline on Thursday, April 2nd at 7pm in Beems Auditorium, rooms A&B.
Taylor Broby, an ISU student from North Dakota and Cheryl Valenta with the BPR Coalition will speak, and a short video will be shown with time for questions. Plan to attend to learn about the potential impact to Iowans. Bakken Pipeline information can be found at NoBakken.com.
Another opportunity: the Iowa City Sierra Club will host a similar meeting at the IC Public Library on Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm. Wally Taylor, Chair of the Iowa Sierra Club and Cheryl Valenta will be the speakers.
Earlier that day, UNI is hosting a conference on The Ethics of Energy Production, UNI Maucker Union, April 15th from 9 to 4. Discussion will relate to the proposed Bakken crude oil project, and the Clean Line project, with representatives from all angles speaking on these issues. This conference is free, but you must register by calling: 319.273.6194. Full details are here:
Additionally, another friend sent the following: The Iowa Utilities Board, the ultimate decision maker on the Bakken Pipeline, is currently accepting public comment.
If you’re so inclined, you can submit your objection to the Bakken Pipeline here.
The objections are directed to Nathan Malachowski, a staffer at Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, a non-profit working to stop the Bakken Pipeline. Nathan will print off your objections for a powerful hand delivery event to the IUB in the near future to show widespread opposition!
We’re not sure when the public comment period will close – all we know is that it will be five days before the IUB’s public hearing, an undetermined date.
That means we need as many comments submitted as soon as possible.
Tell the IUB they must reject the Bakken Pipeline, then forward this email to five friends!
Pipelines leak, threaten our land, water, and our livelihoods. Spills will cost millions and those costs will be footed by Iowa taxpayers, not Big Oil. This pipeline can’t be built, for the sake of current and future generations, for a clean energy Iowa.
Please take the time to be informed on these important issues. The future of Iowa depends on people like yourself, who care about the earth.
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