CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Visitors to BrewNost will see a sneak peek of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library’s transformed clock tower on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024. The Prague-style astronomical clock, or orloj, includes 12 figurines symbolizing immigration that were installed this week, hand-carved by Slovak artist Andrej Haršány, of Borová, a village […]
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Tag: artist
Master Czech Folk Artist Marj Nejdl hono...
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — For decades, Master Czech Folk Artist Marj Nejdl has volunteered her time and talents in designing Christmas ornaments, egg decorating, illustrating books, buttons and more for the Czech community in Cedar Rapids, and now, pieces of her artwork are on display. The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library held a […]
Iowa chainsaw artist keeps busy with der...
CEDAR RAPIDS — Clint Henik’s artwork went viral with a chainsaw carving giving the “finger” to 2020, but his work goes beyond that customer-requested design. His most current carving is in the Czech Village neighborhood, where Shear Confidence, 117 16th Ave. SW, is having a pair of shears carved from a tree downed by the […]
Local artist “draws” attention to local
By Cindy Hadish/For the Corridor Business Journal Artist Thomas Agran barely has a chance to dip his brush to resume painting before the comments begin. “Nice work,” a man driving past in a van shouts, giving a “thumbs-up.” A woman traveling by in a car also gives her approval. “I think people get really excited […]