Its flowering season is fleeting, but catch the scent of a linden tree in mid-June and the rewards are extraordinary. With fragrance akin to a lily, but not as overpowering as some, lindens embody the spirit of the dawning summer in Iowa. The tree — called lípa in Czech — is not only the national […]
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Tag: Czech Republic
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, reaches out to help ...
One year ago, I was enjoying the beauty of the well-preserved architecture and natural sites in the Czech Republic during my first visit to the land of my ancestors. Less than nine months later, raging floodwaters tore through the country. Now, the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids is leading efforts […]
Parallels seen between flooding in Iowa ...
I remember interviewing Petr Kolar, the Czech Republic’s ambassador to the United States, just a few months after floods devastated Cedar Rapids and other parts of Eastern Iowa in 2008. It was remarkable, I thought, that Kolar noted that good could somehow come out of something as tragic as the epic flood that inundated 10 […]