Linn County Master Gardeners have a full slate of sessions coming up during their Spring Library Talks. The sessions are free and take place at the libraries noted in each town. The number at the beginning of each description denotes the date. The Master Gardeners also will present nine different gardening topics in Cedar Rapids […]
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Tag: lawn care
Mike Nowak preaches the gospel of organi...
The circle of feeding, growing and maintaining a lawn is mind-boggling. Ingest the ground with chemicals and spend even more time running through it with a gas-guzzling mower. Yet, I know many homeowners want that pristine sea of green. Mike Nowak might be able to insert some common sense into our love of lawns. His […]
Spring is (almost) here: a look at the w...
Temperatures – finally reaching highs the state hasn’t seen since November – are one indication that spring is on its way. Another is the number of gardening and eco-events cropping up in Eastern Iowa. A look at the Homegrown calendar shows something happening every day this week, with some offering more than one option. If […]
Reel lawnmowers: How “reelistic?”
My good buddy and fellow freelance journalist, Dave DeWitte, recently bought a new reel mower to reduce his carbon footprint. Find Dave’s candid impressions and assessment of his new mower here: By: Dave DeWitte My knees and shoulders are sore in ways I haven’t felt for years. I’m surprisingly comfortable with this discomfort. That’s […]
Greenscaping your lawn
Should something this green be bad for the environment? I mowed today for the first time this year and only because my front yard was quickly becoming a sea of yellow. I don’t mind dandelions as much as some people do, but when you have neighbors, you need to be considerate,