Late summer tends to bring out larger insects, such as the praying mantis, as well as caterpillars on their way to becoming remarkable butterflies and moths. In Iowa, summer-like weather clung until the first official day of fall with lower temperatures predicted for the autumnal equinox on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. While anecdotally, fewer monarch […]
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Tag: monarch
Report highlights monarch conservation e...
A new report shows progress being made in adding habitat for monarch butterflies in Iowa. Related: See how the city of Cedar Rapids took a step backwards for monarchs and other pollinators. Read more about the new report from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources: AMES, Iowa — Iowa has been steadily adding new habitat […]
Officials cite higher priorities as prot...
Monarchs qualify for listing under the Endangered Species Act, but federal officials are holding off on adding the butterflies to the list. “We conducted an intensive, thorough review using a rigorous, transparent science-based process and found that the monarch meets listing criteria under the Endangered Species Act,” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Aurelia Skipwith […]
Nature Watch: Migrating generation of mo...
Even as late as mid-September, monarch butterflies are depositing eggs on milkweed in Eastern Iowa. If Iowa’s weather cooperates, those eggs will hatch in about four days to become tiny larvae, or caterpillars, which feast on the milkweed for two weeks before transforming into a chrysalis. More: Cicada emergence For advocates who raise monarchs indoors, […]
Attack of the aphids: keeping a healthy ...
For the past decade, my insect nemesis has been the voracious Japanese beetle, but this summer, we’ve been battling an aphid invasion. These tiny sap-suckers are particularly fond of milkweed, the sole food source for monarch caterpillars. They appear uninterested in ironweed, (Vernonia fasciculata) and other native plants that are beneficial for pollinators. More: Differences […]
Iowa efforts cited in overwintering mona...
While California is marking a record low number of overwintering monarch butterflies, counts in Mexico are more encouraging. The latest survey in Mexico — where monarchs from Iowa overwinter — showed a doubling in population compared to last year. Experts say further efforts are needed to bring monarchs back from their perilous decline, particularly by […]
Free pollinator seeds offered during Mil...
The Monarch Research Project, a nonprofit based in Marion, Iowa, is distributing free milkweed and pollinator seeds during “The Million Seed Giveaway.” They had a good crowd this past Saturday and hope for more of the same this upcoming Saturday, May 12. The pollinator seed mix was created by the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation with […]
Battle of the cats: differences between ...
After successfully growing just one milkweed plant in my backyard last year, I was excited to have dozens dotting the yard this summer. But sadly, the plants remain pristine, with no sign of the munching monarch caterpillars that use milkweed as its sole food source, and the reason I wanted the plants to thrive. See […]
Lanky milkweed in search of monarch butt...
Milkweed – the sole food source for monarch caterpillars – used to grow freely in my backyard until trees turned the once-sunny yard into a shade garden. What was easy to grow years ago became a challenge, but I persisted, hoping to do my small part to help monarch butterflies, whose populations have dropped considerably […]
Photo gallery: Winter Gardening Fair 201...
CEDAR RAPIDS – Knowing that warmer days are near made the timing perfect for today’s Winter Gardening Fair at Coe College. Monarch butterfly expert and author, Susie Vanderlip, gave a spirited keynote presentation about her work in California with monarch butterflies, and many master gardeners and other horticulture experts led workshops throughout the day. Related: […]