NORTH LIBERTY – Neighbors no longer must give their approval to chicken-seeking residents of North Liberty, under the initial reading of a proposed ordinance change. City Council members last night voted 3-2 to pass the first of three readings to allow up to four chickens per household.
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Tag: ordinance
Urban chickens could soon roost in North...
UPDATE: The North Liberty City Council will consider the urban chicken ordinance at its Aug. 13 meeting, after the matter was tabled on July 23. Daniela Williams of North Liberty, one of the supporters of the measure, said new information was presented at this week’s meeting from the Cedar Valley Humane Society, which indicated that […]
Video: Picking up chicks in Iowa
Which came first? When it comes to backyard chickens, oftentimes it’s not the egg, but chicks from the Murray McMurray Hatchery. Specialty breeds, such as Black Australorps; Silver Laced Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons can be purchased from the hatchery – established in 1917 in Webster City, Iowa – with a minimum order of 15 to 25 […]