One Grinch or more was at work in Linn County, just before Christmas. Staff of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources discovered the Palisades-Kepler State Park lodge was vandalized sometime in the overnight hours of Sunday, December 23, 2019. Learn more about the incident in rural Mount Vernon from the Iowa DNR: Staff discovered several […]
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Tag: park
Unearthing history at Greene Square in C...
By Cindy Hadish/Homegrown Iowan CEDAR RAPIDS — A time capsule, buried 40 years ago in Greene Square Park, was opened to the public Friday, May 20, 2016, to reveal a glimpse of the history of Cedar Rapids. Greene Square, between Third and Fourth avenues SE in downtown Cedar Rapids, has been undergoing a $1.9 million renovation […]
Capturing a midsummer night’s garden at
CEDAR RAPIDS – It was a picture-perfect night Wednesday at the Noelridge Park gardens. As part of its season of “Art in the Park,” members of the Linn Area Photo Club and Friends of Noelridge photographers offered a photography night at the gardens, complete with picture frames to highlight various vignettes. “Art in the Park” […]
Digging deeper into Greene Square in dow...
CEDAR RAPIDS – Park-goers will experience new lighting, a water feature and improved outdoor seating in downtown Cedar Rapids, after the City Council approved the Greene Square revitalization design plan at its meeting today. Work will likely begin next spring on the $1.95 million project, to be paid for through a private and public partnership […]
DNR wants Iowans to head outdoors to red...
A new initiative from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources should hit home with many Iowans. Healthy and Happy Outdoors, or H2O, is an initiative to help Iowans reduce stress and improve their health by connecting with the outdoors. You can sign up to log your activities online and qualify to win some cool prizes, […]