By Cindy Hadish/for Iowa Gardener New plant introductions grow in harmony alongside historic varieties throughout Wanda Lunn’s lush gardens in Cedar Rapids. Lunn stays on top of the latest eye-catching plant releases, while maintaining a Historic Iris Preservation Society display garden, rich in iris varieties 30 years or older. Related: “Awesome” lily is a winner […]
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Tag: lillies
Plans set for open gardens in Cedar Rapi...
If you’re in the Cedar Rapids or Iowa City areas on Sunday, June 26, you have great opportunities during two free events to see lovely gardens and learn more about the project at the historic Johnson County Poor Farm. In Cedar Rapids, Wanda Lunn, 526 Bezdek Drive NW, is opening her gardens to the public […]
Are you seeing Naked Ladies?
It’s that time of summer. Not the one where people shed their clothes, though that might be happening somewhere, too. This is the magical moment when naked ladies, also known as surprise or resurrection lilies, simultaneously appear after being nearly invisible for the majority of the season.