That time of year is arriving a bit early this summer. Magic lilies, also known as surprise lilies or naked ladies, tend to bloom in synchronicity in Iowa. If you see them popping up in one part of town, you’ll generally see them in another. Abundant rain in Iowa may have led to an earlier […]
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Tag: magic lily
Lilies blossom with delayed surprise
Recent rains could boost the late appearance of a popular flower in Iowa. Like clockwork, magic lilies, also known as surprise lilies or naked ladies, bloom in Iowa in late summer in synchronicity. If you see them popping up in one part of town, you’ll generally see them in another, but 2023 was an anomaly. […]
Magic lilies make synchronized appearanc...
As perennial flowers start their fall blooms of yellow and orange, one reliable plant blooms pretty in pink. Magic lilies, also known as surprise lilies or naked ladies, tend to bloom in Iowa in late summer in a synchronized manner. If you see them popping up in one part of town, you’ll see them in […]