Small towns in need of help improving their building stock in an environmentally responsible way can apply to Iowa’s Derelict Building Grant program.
The deadline for submissions is Feb. 28.
Towns such as the Eastern Iowa community of Olin have benefited through building renovations and asbestos abatement, with an emphasis on recycling and reusing building materials.
Here is more from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources about the program:
DES MOINES – The next round of funding for the 2014 Derelict Building Grant program is open for applications through Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. The program was instituted by statute to help rural communities with populations of 5,000 or less to deconstruct or renovate abandoned commercial and public structures.
The program emphasizes reuse and recycling of building items, helps improve street appearance and commercial development, and alleviates the environmental concern these buildings can pose. Financial assistance includes asbestos removal, building deconstruction and renovation, and other inspections and environmental site assessments. A cash match is required.
Funding is awarded annually on a competitive basis. A committee from the Iowa DNR, Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations, Iowa Recycling Association, Iowa Economic Development Authority and Keep Iowa Beautiful selects the projects for funding. The Environmental Protection Commission’s approval is required for all projects costing more than $25,000.
More information about the grant program, including application forms and resources, is available at:
Update on 2013 Derelict Building Grants
There were 19 projects approved for the 2013 funding round of the Derelict Building Grant program. The current statuses of those projects are:
City of Buffalo — $11,341 to deconstruct a building and create a green space that will be accessible from the Mississippi River Trail bike path that will be constructed through town and connect the towns of Davenport and Muscatine. Status: in progress.
City of Collins — $16,000 to be split between two projects; one project will complete an asbestos inspection at an abandoned commercial building and the other project will abate asbestos and deconstruct the old fire station. A new building to house the fire department will be built to replace the deconstructed building. Status: project delayed but scheduled to start soon.
City of Early — $45,000 to have asbestos removed, a phase I/II assessment to be completed and full deconstruction of the Payless Cashway building that was damaged by a tornado. The city is partnering with the local economic development office to market the site for commercial interests. Status: in progress.
City of Emmetsburg — $3,750 to complete asbestos inspections at 25 designated buildings that the city has secured easements with the building owners. This is part of an even larger project to improve the look of the downtown area. Status: project completed.
City of Garnavillo — $50,000 to deconstruct a school building and construct a new city hall and offer additional space for city employees. Status: deconstruction has been completed; the city is waiting for additional materials to process final report.
Louisa County — $3,400 to start renovations on the old jail, transforming it into an office building that will house county staff. Status: the funding for this grant will cover an asbestos inspection and structural engineering analysis.
City of Malvern — $80,000 to partner with the Malvern Area Betterment Association to use funds to complete asbestos inspection, abatement, structural analysis and building renovation, which will offer commercial and residential space. Status: in progress.
City of Marcus — $11,796 to deconstruct one building and renovate two others. Once deconstructed, the building site will become green space and will house a container to collect recyclables. The two renovated buildings will be transformed into storage for community cardboard collection, which will also be recycled. Status: deconstruction and renovation has been completed. The city is waiting for additional materials to process final report.
City of Middletown — $1,500 to start the first step toward deconstructing a school building. This round of funding will be used to complete an asbestos inspection for the premises. The city plans on submitting an application for the next grant round to continue the project. Status: project completed.
City of Olin — $34,000 to partner with Olin Economic Development on designated renovation tasks that will include inspecting and abating asbestos, and replacing the roof and exterior facades. Status: the city completed the project and diverted 52 percent of building materials away from the landfill, further decreasing costs. The city estimated a landfill disposal savings of $848. The building will be marketed for commercial interest.
City of Rockford — $35,500 to inspect for and abate asbestos, deconstruct a commercial building, and allow a neighboring business to expand its operation. Status: the total project generated 97 tons of waste – 42 of which was diverted through re-use and beneficial reuse outlets. More than 55 tons of waste were landfilled for the entire project. The city estimated a landfill disposal savings of $1,804.
City of Ruthven — $23,000 to deconstruct two buildings in disrepair. Once complete, the city plans on marketing the vacated spaces to interested commercial clients. Status: the total project generated 665 tons of waste – 630 of which were diverted through reuse and beneficial reuse outlets. The city estimated a landfill disposal savings of $31,484.52.
City of Sioux Rapids — $12,585 to deconstruct a former meat locker that poses a health and safety hazard to the community. Status: the total project generated 492 tons of waste – 443 of which was diverted through reuse and beneficial reuse outlets. The city estimated a landfill disposal savings of $22,150. The site will be marketed for commercial interest.
City of Slater — $66,140 to abate for asbestos and renovate an abandoned building located on Main Street. The project will repair and weatherproof the building shell and prepare the building for sale to a commercial interest. Status: in progress.
City of Van Meter — $17,187 to remove all asbestos and deconstruct a building that poses a health and safety hazard to the community. Building will be replaced with a new city services building that will house the police station, city hall staff and library. Status: in progress.
City of Zearing — $80,000 to complete structural analysis, asbestos inspection, abatement and renovation activities for three separate buildings. Once complete, a neighboring business intends to create a restaurant and bar in the place of two of these projects, while the other site will be marketed for commercial interests. Status: in progress.
One approved applicant withdrew from the Derelict Building Grant Program and two other projects are currently on hold.
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