Gardeners who time it right just might be able to make it to all of these 2022 Eastern Iowa spring plant sales, many of which are happening on the same day.
This spring has been exceptionally cool, but planting season will soon be underway, with the sales also timed to hit just before Mother’s Day.
Related: Czech legend offers frost warning for gardeners
Johnson County Master Gardeners
The Johnson County Master Gardeners will host its Garden Sale and Flea Market from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 7, at the Johnson County Fairgrounds, 4261 Oak Crest Hill Rd. SE, Iowa City, in Building B & C.
Learn more about the sale from the Master Gardeners: Following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Plant Sale & Flea Market is returning, featuring plants from Master Gardeners’ gardens.
A wide range of perennial flowers, vegetables and herbs, shrubs and woody plants, as well as Flea Market and Mother’s Day gift items will be available for sale. Shoppers may also select unique gifts at the Butterfly House Silent Auction. The Butterfly House is open to the public during the Johnson County 4-H & FFA Fair.
A popular component of the activity is the Flea Market. The Flea Market will sell previously-owned garden tools, plant containers, equipment, yard art, books, and other items.
Do some spring cleaning and consider donating your items to the Master Gardeners program. Flea Market donations from the public will be accepted. All items must be clean and in working order. No chemicals, please. Flea Market donations can be dropped off on Thursday, May 5, from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Friday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Building B at the Fairgrounds.
Proceeds from the annual JCMG Plant Sale and Flea Market support 4-H Awards, Kirkwood Community College Horticulture Scholarships and JCMG programs and operations.
Linn County Master Gardeners
In Marion, the Linn County Master Gardeners will host its sale at the American Legion Post 298, 625 31st St.
Vegetables, flowers, herbs, houseplants and native pollinators are among thousands of plants for sale, all grown by expert Master Gardeners.
Hours have been extended this year, with the sale taking place on Friday, May 6, from 4-7 p.m., as well as Saturday, May 7, from 8 a.m. to noon.
Parking is available and Master Gardeners will be at the sale to help answer gardening questions.
Iowa Humane Alliance
The Iowa Humane Alliance has a four-day plant sale at 1200 16th Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, next to SAINT Rescue.
Proceeds benefit the Iowa Humane Alliance, with the sale from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, May 5, and Friday, May 6, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 7, and Sunday, May 8.
Flowers, perennials, herbs, hanging baskets, vegetables, house plants, succulents and more will be for sale, plus other Mother’s Day gifts and pet toys.
Matthew 25
The Matthew 25 Spring Plant Sale is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 7.
Edible plants, herbs, annuals, perennials, and various gardening-related tools will be available to browse and purchase at the urban farm, 437 G Ave. NW in Cedar Rapids.
Additionally, the Tool Library will be offering a selection of gardening tools, equipment, and small machines, such as lawn mowers. Parking is available on both F and G Avenues around the urban farm.
Indian Creek Nature Center
Indian Creek Nature Center, 5300 Otis Rd. SE, in Cedar Rapids, will host its Spring Plant & Art Sale on Saturday, May 7, from 9 a.m. to noon, featuring a wide variety of plants and art available for purchase, from native wildflowers, prairie plants, annuals, perennials, vegetable seedlings, milkweed for monarch caterpillars, garden goods, handcrafted art, and more.
Noelridge Greenhouse
The annual Mother’s Day Showcase from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, May 8, also features a plant sale. The event is at the Noelridge Greenhouse, 4900 Council St. NE. Admission is free.
Visitors can see 60,000 plants, as well as exhibits from Master Gardeners, the Harshbarger Hosta Society and information on orchids and monarch butterflies, and a display celebrating the Noelridge Greenhouse 50th Anniversary.
Midwest Garden Gal, Lisa Hinzman Howard, will attend to answer questions, and to promote and sell copies of her book, “Cheap Tricks Gardening.”
Professionally designed hanging baskets, coleus plants, New Guinea Impatiens, native plants, perennials, house plants, and orchids will be available for sale. Birdfeeders, garden labels, and handcrafted pressed flower cards may be purchased, as well. Funny Face Designs by Lori will paint children’s faces, with eye art for $7 and full-face art for $10.
For those interested in volunteering at the greenhouse, The Friends of Noelridge will provide information on how to get involved. They will also be selling fairy gardens, cactus cocktails, and succulent sundaes to raise funds for the benefit of Noelridge Greenhouse.
More: Many farmers markets also feature plants. Find a list of more than 50 Eastern Iowa markets at homegrowniowan.com/farmers-markets/

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