While the devastation from Iowa’s 2020 hurricane-strength derecho windstorm still weighs heavily on tree canopy in parts of the state, some areas are hitting their peak for fall foliage.
Related: Fall colors in post-derecho Iowa
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources reported this week that recent warmer weather has extended the fall color show for another week in northeast Iowa and all species are turning color, except for the oaks.
In central Iowa, the DNR noted fall colors turned a corner this week, with more brilliant yellows and many maples starting to turn orange and red.
“Poison ivy, dogwood, white ash, and sumac are showing reds and a little purple,” the DNR reported. “Woodland edges and field edges are still full of color – red ivy and sumac, purple dogwood, and beautiful asters and goldenrod flowering.”
To capture those fall colors, the DNR offers the following photo tips:
- — Shoot on overcast days when lighting is even, soft and won’t wash out bright colors. Warm colors of fall leaves contrast and “pop” against softer light.
- — During brightly sunlight conditions, shoot early and late in the day to take advantage of a warm sidelight beaming through the trees.
- — Don’t just focus on trees. Forest floors of late autumn are strewn with colorful leaves juxtaposed against mossy rocks, calm water and gnarled tree roots. Look for mushrooms, brightly colored shrubs and tall grasses as they take on warm hues.
More: Iowa lost more than 7 million trees in derecho

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