Cyclists make their way down roads in rural Solon during the annual Culinary Ride on Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014. (photo/Larry Hanus)
SOLON – It was a case of too many good things happening at once. I missed out on this Sunday’s Fourth Annual Culinary Ride, part of the Field to Family Festival, because I was at another festival in Cedar Rapids.
Fortunately, my cousin, Judy Beuter, helped me live vicariously. Her farm in rural Solon was one of the stops on the Sept. 21 bicycle tour. Judy and her son, Joe Jedlicka, raise chicken, pork and beef outdoors on grass, organic grains and organic hay, with no GMOs, no antibiotics, no hormones and plenty of sunshine.
The annual Culinary Ride features food prepared with fresh produce by local chefs and handcrafted beverages. This year’s bicycle route traversed northeast Iowa City and Solon.
Here is Judy’s summation of the event, in her own (written) words: “It was an AWESOME day!! Great weather. Great food. Great music. Great people/riders/ chefs/volunteers/a farmer 🙂 And a wonderful opportunity to share the farm with folks & talk about raising animals the way we do. We had a great time!”
She went on to say she had not previously been on the tour, but “if they ask me again, I would do it. Sometimes I can hardly believe I get to live this life!”
Judy’s friend, Larry Hanus, captured these images from Sunday’s Culinary Ride. (Judy is in the pink shirt in the top photo.)
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