By Cindy Hadish/for Radish Magazine LISBON – Had their small apple orchard proven less productive when they first moved to Iowa, the owners of Sutliff Cider would likely be brewing beer instead of their award-winning hard cider. “There are only so many apple crisps and apple pies you can make,” said Scott Ervin, 54, co-owner […]
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Tag: apples
Farming advice offered through online Pr...
Farmers in need of advice on atypical crop insurance, marketing their food and much more can find answers from other farmers during the Practical Farmers of Iowa fall “farminar” series. The free, online sessions begin Nov. 5 and are open to anyone with Internet access. Here is more from Practical Farmers of Iowa:
What to do with a bumper crop of apples?...
Iowa orchards went from a deficit last year to a bumper crop of apples this year. State Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey, offers sound advice on visiting an Iowa apple orchard this fall, along with a mouth-watering apple recipe, passed along from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship: