Iowans living in rural communities are virtually helpless when a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, also known as a factory farm, sets its sights on nearby properties. Issues go beyond the stench that neighbors are forced to tolerate, as the sewage produced by these facilities, which pack in animals in small quarters, leads to pollution of […]
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Iowa farmer: Corporate ag influence puts...
Organic dairy farmer Francis Thicke, of Fairfield, Iowa, who holds a PhD in soil science, attended his last meeting as a board member of the National Organic Standards Board this week in Jacksonville, Fla. The meeting brought with it a recommendation to allow hydroponic operators to remain a part of the organic program. Learn more from […]
Update to manure blow-out: large-scale h...
Back in November came news that several thousands of gallons of manure had blown out of a clean-out port on a southeast Iowa hog confinement facility, making its way to a creek that runs to a major river. Today, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources announced that Maschhoffs LLC has agreed to pay a $10,000 […]