CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — The St. Ludmila Kolach Festival plans a return next weekend after a one-year hiatus. Set for June 7-9, 2024, at St. Ludmila Catholic Church, 211 21st Ave. SW, the longtime festival features kolaches, a fruit-filled Czech pastry. Last year, the parish temporarily suspended the festival as it demolished its 1958-built elementary […]
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Tag: Kolach Festival
St. Ludmila volunteers bake thousands of...
By Cindy Hadish CEDAR RAPIDS – Even as kolache sales kick off early this Friday for the St. Ludmila Kolach Festival, Karen Billick can be assured there will be customers waiting even earlier. Drive-up kolache sales run 6-9 a.m. that day, but, “they’ll be here in line at 5 a.m.,” said Billick, who oversees the […]
Photos: St. Ludmila Kolach Festival
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — The Kolach Festival has been an annual tradition at St. Ludmila’s Catholic Church for decades, first getting its start in 1938. This year’s festival, from June 8-10, 2018, was particularly poignant, as St. Ludmila’s School closed at the end of this school year, due to declining enrollment. Part of the Holy […]