Participants will learn how to use a solar food dehydrator at an upcoming session in Iowa City. (photo courtesy of Backyard Abundance)
IOWA CITY – Two events coming up in Iowa City in coming days offer great opportunities to expand your gardening knowledge.
This Sunday, Aug. 24, New Pioneer Food Co-op is hosting a garden party at Earth Source Gardens. The following day, Aug. 25, Backyard Abundance is offering a solar food dehydrator demonstration, to put all of that great produce to use.
Here is more info from both New Pi and Backyard Abundance:
Join New Pioneer Food Co-op and Harvest Farm and Preserve in celebrating a successful garden harvest at the ‘Last of Summer’ Garden Party Sunday, August 24, from 1-3PM at Earth Source Gardens (NE corner of Scott Blvd. and Rochester Ave., on Harvest Road, Iowa City).
Singer/songwriter Dave Moore will perform, playing guitar, harmonica, and button accordion.
Dr. Wahls, author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, will display and discuss her favorite high-nutrition garden crops and sell and sign her books.
Educational booths will include:
Fragrance and Flavor: a chance to explore your olfactory abilities and sample heirloom tomatoes.
Beer from Scratch: guests can examine beer ingredients, talk to local brewers, and sample popular Anchor Steam beers. Guests will also have the chance to sample unusual cheeses.
Onion and Garlic Braiding: permaculture educator Roxane Mitten will demonstrate onion and garlic braiding at 2PM.
Solar Produce Dehydrating: demonstration by the Urban Homestead team of Jon Yagla and Landon Salsberry.
Refreshments provided by New Pioneer Food Co-op’s deli and grill master Tim Palmer of Clover Hill Creations.
New Pioneer Food Co-op and Harvest Farm and Preserve created Earth Source Gardens to show how community gardens can contribute to our community’s health, food security, and healing connection to the land.
Also, this info came in from Fred Meyer of Backyard Abundance, regarding Monday night’s event:
Backyard Abundance is hosting a “Building and Using a Solar Dehydrator” class at the home of Jon Yagla at 911 S. 7th Ave. in Iowa City from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Monday, August 25. The class is free and open to everyone.
Attendees will learn how to use a solar dehydrator to stock up on dried fruits and vegetables without using electricity. A dehydrator built with salvaged materials will be on display. The building process and different styles that can be built or purchased will be discussed.
A potluck follows the event for those who would like to stay and discuss the joys and challenges of becoming more self-sufficient in the urban setting. Please bring a dish to share.
For more information visit www.BackyardAbundance.org or call 319-325-6810.
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