One of my favorite aspects of Farmer Dave’s CSA: being greeted every week by his friendly dog, Emmylou. (photo/Cindy Hadish)
“What will we do?” my son asked, when I told him the sad news.
“I, I don’t know,” I stammered, trying to hide the panic in my voice.
We had just discussed the seasonal end of our CSA – the Community Supported Agriculture shares that had provided our family with week upon week of veggies galore – and what the future would hold until it starts again next year.
I had to think hard to remember what we had done before joining Farmer Dave’s CSA, which started in the beginning of June; more than four months of weekly shares of David Miller’s farming bounty.
In that time, we have enjoyed a wide variety of lettuce, carrots, potatoes, radishes, asparagus, spinach, kale, garlic, onions, strawberries and more, with a convenient pick up location nearby at Mount Mercy University.
As much as I’ve enjoyed consuming all of that fresh, wholesome goodness, I have to admit that I equally appreciated the simplicity of collecting each week’s share. No standing in a long checkout line, and even though I like to garden, it was nice having someone else responsible for the hard work of growing and harvesting.
CSA members, who pay upfront for weekly shares of the farmer’s produce, have an easy job. Just collect the food and eat it. I have an inkling of what Farmer Dave and other vegetable farmers do and appreciate the CSA shares that much more.
And a bonus, which I may miss even as much as our weekly veggie fix, is being greeted by Emmylou – David and Mickey Miller’s fabulous dog – every week at the CSA.
As for what the future holds, Farmer Dave sent out a reminder that he and others continue to offer their fresh produce for sale at farmers markets in Mount Vernon.

David Miller talks to a CSA customer on Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015, at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (photo/Cindy Hadish)
Here is a bit more from Farmer Dave on today’s final CSA share of the season: “This is the last week of the CSA. Congratulations. Most people cannot actually eat that many vegetables–even though it may not have seemed like a lot–that is the state of our diet in this era. You should genuinely feel good about yourself.”
So, if you’d like similar weekly inspirational messages, consider joining Farmer Dave’s CSA next spring or one of the other excellent CSAs in our area.
In the meantime, find farmers markets still open in Eastern Iowa on the Homegrown list and see more about the CSA here and here.
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