Just as the outdoor farmers market season ends in Iowa, the indoor market season begins. Already, indoor markets have started in West Branch, Waverly, Decorah and elsewhere, while others are slated to start soon. One notable absence this season is the Mount Vernon Farmers Market, which ended both its indoor and outdoor markets this year […]
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Tag: Mount Vernon
Photos: Farm-to-Table night on an Iowa f...
Morning Glory, a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm near Mount Vernon, Iowa, recently thanked volunteers with an appreciation picnic, sourced with ingredients straight from the farm. Donna Warhover, who operates the farm with her husband, Bill, hosted nearly 40 people at the farm on a beautiful Iowa evening, noting that the volunteers play a large […]
Behind the scenes at the Iowa City Farme...
IOWA CITY – For years, I’ve written about farmers markets, but until Saturday, I had never experienced the vendors’ side. Thanks to my sister’s internship at Morning Glory, a Community Supported Agriculture farm near Mount Vernon, Iowa, I had the opportunity at the Iowa City Farmers Market. Donna Warhover, who operates the farm with her […]
Mount Vernon’s Lincoln Winebar contempla
By Cindy Hadish/for City Revealed Mount Vernon’s popular Lincoln Winebar is acclaimed for more than its wine. Pizza has been one of the prime attractions since 2012, when its wood-fired Stefano Ferrara brick oven was imported from Italy. Emblazoned in tile with the winebar’s motto in Italian “Il Cibo È Importante,” the phrase on the […]
Cornell College to demolish two Civil Wa...
By Cindy Hadish MOUNT VERNON – Two Civil War-era homes on the National Register of Historic Places will be demolished to make way for a new science building at Cornell College. The Mount Vernon Historic Preservation Commission finally approved the project Dec. 28, after months of concern about the fate of the brick buildings and […]
Ten reasons to shop local
By Cindy Hadish/for City Revealed Mayor Ron Corbett issued his “gavel challenge” after the September flood in Cedar Rapids, encouraging people to support flood-affected businesses. Corbett called on residents to visit at least 10 of the flood-affected businesses in October, and 15 for cyclists who have enjoyed the city’s investment in bike trails and lanes. […]
Look at this cool dog and a note from Fa...
“What will we do?” my son asked, when I told him the sad news. “I, I don’t know,” I stammered, trying to hide the panic in my voice. We had just discussed the seasonal end of our CSA – the Community Supported Agriculture shares that had provided our family with week upon week of veggies […]
CSA offers Christmas in July — and June,
How do you improve perfection? “Farmer Dave” Miller asked how satisfied we are as members of his Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) tonight at the weekly pick up of veggies grown on his farm. I was stumped on ways to improve the CSA. Every time I go, I feel like it’s Christmas. The kind of Christmas […]
Eating our way through Community Support...
This won’t earn me the Mother of the Year award, but I felt somewhat proud about the snack I served my sons last week. It took little effort on my part, other than opening a container of just-picked locally grown strawberries and slicing a loaf of freshly baked whole-wheat sourdough bread.
Iowa farmer Laura Krouse shares life’s l
By Cindy Hadish/For Radish Magazine MOUNT VERNON, IOWA – It’s essential to life as we know it, but most people take the Earth’s soil for granted. Unless you’re a farmer like Laura Krouse. Krouse, owner of Abbe Hills Farm, has spent a lifetime learning about soil and the past 26 years improving it on her […]